Wednesday 8 June 2016

Live Action Fairy Godmother Cosplay- Planning.

After making Ariel’s pink dress I found myself in need to make more big dresses. I had always had a love with them, even before I began cosplay. 
I’ve never entered a Cosplay Competition before and with the idea to create The Fairy Godmother already in mind I decided to make her costume for the next Cosplay Competition within my area which would be Christchurch or Dunedin March 2017. With over 10 months to complete it I set out on Planning.

To start off with I sourced a pattern from simplicity which was originally made for Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother. Comparing it to the original piece warn by Helena Bohmna Carter I found that while it could be used for a quick easy costume, I thought that it shouldn’t be used for a competitive piece. Taking that into mind I decided on creating my own pattern for the bodice using a cling wrap and duct tape method. 

To even begin making that full skirt I needed something to help support in underneath. An ordinary hoop skirt would work as it wouldn’t match the silhouette of the original piece. A pannier however seemed to be the best solution.
After looking a Angela Carltons Cinderella inspired dress I decided to use her method of a base satin, followed by a organza and then a sheer fabric overtop to create the pale blue of the bodice and of the skirt. The main panel however has a difference in the rest which I was going to counter by embroidering it.

The collar seemed to have lace look to the top of it. I decided to use a rough pattern from Simplicity’s Snow White Pattern and alter it to fit with the rest of the costume. I also needed to source a place to get lace and lace appliques.

The wings looked like the best part of the costume. I was going to make the wins by using a wire outline and covering it in a crystal organza and then a plain sheer, I was also going to embellish it with beading, piping and embroidery. 

At this point in the planning I convinced myself that I was just going to fully wing the skirt and hope like hell it turned out similar. At this stage I had planned for 40 meters of organza and 11 meters for satin. This was going to be one heavy creation.

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