Monday 20 June 2016

Live Action Fairy Godmother- The bodice Part 2

As my study break over exams I nearly made the base of my bodice as well as the wings to go on it.

Firstly, was the wings. I created a template out of paper of the shape i wanted my wings to be. I then went around the outside of this in wire and added 4 layers of organza over top. 2 plain white and 2 crystal. I embroidered the inside and beaded around the outside.
That's the real quick low down on making my wings.
The bodice was a lot more tedious.  The lining had channels which were for boning and then actual outside had 4 different layers of fabric per pattern piece which all had to be basted down and then sewn together. The layers went as followed- Satin, Blue crystal Organza and 2 layers of white Fairy Organza. This created the soft the blue that her gown has while making it look shiny~!

That was a real short update but hopefully next will either be the embroidery of the main panel and finishing off of the bodice or the starting of the skirt. Probably the skirt. Not going to lie I like seeing the costume come together before having to neatly finish up tedious things.

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